68 Search results

For the term "Apache Cassandra".

What’s New in DataStax Enterprise 6.8

DATE: April 7, 2020 AUTHOR: Jonathan Lacefield, Product DataStax DataStax has announced the general availability (GA) of DSE 6.8.  This is a pivotal release for DataStax users as it represents the first, production ready version of...

How Germany’s Federal Employment Agency Uses DataStax Enterprise to Future-Proof Monitoring

DATE: January 30, 2020 AUTHOR: Datastax The Bundesagentur für Arbeit—Germany’s Federal Employment Agency (FEA)—is tasked with collecting, analyzing, and managing the data of German citizens, and storing it in accordance with the highest possible privacy standards. ...

On the Cooperation between DataStax and VMware. Q&A with Kathryn Erickson and Lee Caswell

Q1. What are the main differences between hybrid and multi-cloud solutions? The good news is there are no main differences between hybrid and multi-cloud solutions if you choose the right database and platform provider! ...