53 Search results

For the term "Q&A with Data Engineers".

On Automating InfluxDB Deployments at the Edge with balena: Q&A with Marc Pous and Jay Clifford

Q1. What is the business of balena.io? Marc: At balena we help our customers deploy and manage Internet of Things (IoT) devices across the globe. The mission of balena is to unlock the promise...

Amazon RDS for SQL Server: Cross-Region Read Replicas for Disaster Recovery. Q&A with Kambiz Aghili.

“With cross-Region read replicas, customers can horizontally scale their workloads across different AWS regions to meet their growing compliance, durability, and performance objectives.”  Q1: What new feature was released and why is this feature important?...

On Open Data Platform. Q&A with Ben Haynes

Q1. What is special about Directus 9? Directus 9 is the first Open Data Platform. We’ve expanded from headless content management to become a more capable data platform, focusing on flexibility, performance, and expanded data capabilities. ...