253 Search results

For the term "Hadoop".

Fifth Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (5th WBDB) August 5-6, 2014.

– The Fifth Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (5th WBDB) August 5-6, 2014, Potsdam, Germany: – Videos of all talks.   Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 SESSION 1, Chair: Chaitan Baru 0900 0915 Welcome &...

Dhruba Borthakur, Facebook

Dhruba Borthakur is an engineer in the Database Engineering Team at Facebook. He has been instrumental in the design and architecture of Rocksdb, a key-value store optimized for storing data in flash and main-memory...

Big Data, Large Scale Machine Learning

Big Data, Large-Scale Machine Learning Instructors: John Langford, Microsoft Research, Yann LeCun, Courant Institute CILVR Lab ,  NYU Center for Data Science 2013   SLIDEs and VIDEOS videos collected by Xiang Zhang and produced by TechTalks.tv. Lecture 1 introduction: Slides: PDF video Online...

Dr. Marco Pennacchiotti, BMW

Dr. Marco Pennacchiotti, Data Scientists BMW. Previously he was principal scientist at eBay, where he leads text mining initiatives for customer service data. Previously, he was a senior scientist at Yahoo, where he focused...

Andrew Wang, Cloudera

Andrew Wang is a software engineer at Cloudera on the HDFS team. Previously, he was a PhD student in the AMP Lab at UC Berkeley, where he worked on problems related to distributed systems and warehouse-scale computing. He is...