68 Search results

For the term "Apache Cassandra".

DataStax Proxy for DynamoDB™ and Apache Cassandra™ – Preview

DATE: September 13, 2019 Yesterday at ApacheCon, our very own Patrick McFadin announced the public preview of an open source tool that enables developers to run their AWS DynamoDB™ workloads on Apache Cassandra. With...

Apache Cassandra

The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable distributed database, bringing together Dynamo’s fully distributed design and Bigtable’s ColumnFamily-based data mode Download the latest stable release of Apache Cassandra LINK Apache Cassandra Documentation (DataStax) LINK Cassandra...

ApacheCon 2019: DataStax Announces Cassandra Monitoring Free Tier, Unified Drivers, Proxy for DynamoDB & More for the Community

DATE: September 16, 2019 It’s hard to believe that we’re celebrating the 20th year of the Apache Software Foundation. But here we are—and it’s safe to say open source has come a long way...