253 Search results

For the term "Hadoop".

Looking back at Big Data in 2015

Looking back at Big Data in 2015 By Cynthia M. Saracco, IBM Senior Solution Architect As 2015 draws to a close, I find myself occasionally looking back at the year’s highlights and reflecting on...

Uplevel Big Data Analytics with Graph in Vertica – Part 5: Putting graph to work for your business

Uplevel Big Data Analytics with Graph in Vertica – Part 5: Putting graph to work for your business By Walter Maguire, Chief Field Technologist , HP Big Data Group When I originally started this graph series, I...

Building Real-Time Data Pipelines

Free O’Reilly Ebook: Building Real-Time Data Pipelines Unifying Applications and Analytics with In-Memory Architectures DOWNLOAD E-BOOK (LINK to MemSQL web site: registration required) You’ll Learn: When to use in-memory database management systems Requirements and benefits...

From Data Wrangling to Data Harmony

From Data Wrangling to Data Harmony Author: Anirudh Todi Date: September 19, 2015 The twin phenomena of big data and machine learning are combining to give organizations previously unheard of predictive power to drive...

Tamr and the Data Lake

Tamr and the Data Lake Tamr Unifies Datasets In Hadoop To Unlock Hidden Insights Companies Struggle With Integrating Data In Hadoop Hadoop has helped organizations significantly reduce the cost of data processing by spreading...

The Power and Perils of Security Analytics

The Power and Perils of Security Analytics BY Pratyusa K. Manadhata, Hewlett Packard Laboratories manadhata@hpe.com Security analytics is the process of collecting, storing, analyzing, and visualizing security relevant datasets to extract actionable security information....