Category: News and Press Releases

McObject and SIQOL Enter into Distribution Agreement

31 January 2024, Seattle, USA and Ahmedabad India: McObject®, developer of the eXtremeDB® embedded database system, has announced that SIQOL, based in Ahmedabad India, will promote its eXtremeDB small footprint, hybrid in-memory and persistent database, and eXtremeDB/rt, the only...

On Use of Analytics in Products Operations at SAAS companies. Q&A with Haricharan Ramachandra

As an engineering leader at multiple SaaS companies, I have seen firsthand the benefits of effectively integrating data science and machine learning (ML) into our operational processes.  Q1. You are Vice President of Engineering...

On Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems for Monitoring Applications. Q&A with Abdelouahab Khelifati and Mourad Khayati

Time Series Database Systems (TSDBs) are specialized database systems designed to efficiently manage high-frequencytime series data. Unlike relational database systems, TSDBs rely on the general assumption that queries do not target individual tuples but summarized entries in a time...