Category: NewSQL, XML, RDF Data Stores, RDBMS

Open Source Database Benchmark Project (OSDB)

The OSDB project`s aim is to define an object-oriented, database-independent, and system-independent benchmark to enable individuals to analyze the performance of a variety of database and system configurations. The MySQL DBMS plugin is available....

NuoDB 1.0 Launch

NuoDB 1.0 Launch (January 15, 2013),Watch Video. NuoDB is a NewSQL Cloud Database (launched January 15, 2013. SQL compliant, ACID trnsactions, scale out/in elastically on decentralized resources in the Cloud. Link to the NuoDB 1.0...

VoltDB Technical Overview.

VoltDB, Abstract Designed by DBMS pioneer Mike Stonebraker for organizations that have reached the price/performance limitations of general purpose SQL databases, VoltDB is a NewSQL database that combines the proven power of relational processing...