Category: Free Downloads and Links

ThingSpan demo is available in the Amazon Web Services Marketplace

AWS: ThingSpan Discover (Link Hunter) Demonstration Objectivity’s ThingSpan is an enterprise graph platform for analytics at speed and scale that:* Integrates with open source technologies such as Spark, Kafka, HDFS, and YARN;* Enables graph...

The Fastest Platform on the Planet for Connections and Intelligence

by Brian Clark Objectivity,| Sep 22, 2017 | Introduction Successful Big and Fast Data projects require a platform that can:             Scale massively             Perform in near real-time The Objectivity ThingSpan platform is unique in its ability to...

Emerging Technology: Translytical Databases-Deliver Analytics At The Speed Of Transactions

 Next-Generation Databases Seamlessly Support Both Transactions And Analytics by Noel Yuhanna and Mike Gualtieri, Forrester December 10, 2015 | Updated: January 25, 2016 Why Read This Report Blazing-fast performance for both transactions and analytics...