Category: Big Data, Analytical Data Platforms and Data Science-Blog Posts

Example Architectures for Data Intensive Applications.

 Keshav Murthy on June 15, 2020 …a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.  —William Strunk Jr., Elements of Style In the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and...

Ethical Implications of AI- series of lectures available online.

I am glad to inform you that we successfully completed the series of lectures on Ethical Implications of AI.We had both a fantastic number of guest speakers and incredible attendees from all over the...

Ethical Implications of AI–Series of Lectures

Frankfurt Big Data Lab, Goethe University Frankfurt. Started on: April 22 at 2pm  (CET Berlin time) Ends on: June 18, 2020 Remote:  Zoom video call Time: Wednesday and Thursday from 2pm to 4pmBerlin time (CET) – Open to all...

What’s New in DataStax Enterprise 6.8

DATE: April 7, 2020 AUTHOR: Jonathan Lacefield, Product DataStax DataStax has announced the general availability (GA) of DSE 6.8.  This is a pivotal release for DataStax users as it represents the first, production ready version of...