Author: Roberto Zicari

ODBMS.ORG Welcomes New Panel Members

ODBMS.ORG, the Internet’s most up-to-date educational and research portal on object database technology, welcomes five new expert panel members from academia and industry leaders: Bernd Amann, Université de Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)...

Referential Integrity Is Important For Databases

By Michael Blaha November 17, 2005 Abstract: Referential integrity is a database constraint that ensures that references between data are indeed valid and intact. Referential integrity is a fundamental principle of database theory and arises...

Alagic Sets Stage for Future Virtual Platforms

ODBMS.ORG, the Internet’s most up-to-date educational and research portal on object database technology, has published a paper by expert panel member Suad Alagic on the “Next Generation of Virtual Platforms”, demonstrating that object oriented persistence should...

Contracted Persistent Object Programming

Stephanie Balzer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) This paper introduces a new approach to persistent programming, that is based on orthogonal persistence, but constrained to the object-oriented case. LINK (PDF)

Next Generation of Virtual Platforms

By Suad Alagic, Mark Royer October 28, 2005 Abstract: This paper is addressing three major and quite controversial issues critical for the next generation of virtual platforms for object-oriented languages. The first one is providing...

ODBMS.ORG Expands Panel

After a successful launch on September 15, ODBMS.ORG has added new panel members and contributions to its unique resource portal on object database technology. New Expert Panel members include Prof. Zongmin Ma, Northeastern University...