Author: Roberto Zicari

eXTreme Java framework

Intersystems Download Caché eXTreme for Java (Registration required): provides an API to store and retrieve structured data over JDBC (JDBC over JNI), unstructured data and Java Objects. LINK.

db4o Open Source Object Database

db4o is the open source object database that enables Java and .NET developers to slash development time and costs and achieve unprecedented levels of performance. The unique design of db4o’s native object database engine...

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies Springer US A forum wherein academics, researchers and practitioners may publish high-quality, original and state-of-the-art papers describing theoretical aspects, systems architectures, analysis and design tools and techniques, and...

Database Replication..

Database Replication.. Bettina Kemme, McGill University, Ricardo Jimenez-Peris, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Marta Patino-Martinez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Synthesis Lectures on Data Management, 2010, 153 pages, Morgan & Claypool Publishers. Download Chapter 4: Replication...

World Wide Web

Internet and Web Information Systems Springer US An international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their rapidly developing knowledge and report on new advances in Internet and web-based systems. The journal...