Author: Roberto Zicari

Prof. Ken Birman, Cornell University

Ken Birman ( has only recently shifted to big data challenges, after a career focused primarily on high assurance in distributed computing and cluster-style systems. Ken is best known for a series of systems...


This section contains resources related to Attunity. — big data analytics strategies: Beating the data transfer bottleneck for competitive gain by david loshin Foreward: information availability Anyone reading the popular technology-oriented press is bound...

Web Corpus Construction

Web Corpus Construction Roland Schäfer, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Felix Bildhauer, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies July 2013, 145 pages, (doi:10.2200/S00508ED1V01Y201305HLT022) Abstract The World Wide Web constitutes the largest existing source of texts...